It happened today when I first arrived at
work … I bustled in to my work space,
barely on time.
It was there – waiting on my desk.
I’ve been Boo-ed!
The little “casket” was filled with candy goodness.
Amazingly enough, I happened to snatch up my
September Paper Pumpkin as I was leaving for
work today. I had it in my large take-to-work bag.
During lunch, I picked up some small hand lotion
samples and candy at the CVS located on the first
floor of the building where I work.
After work, I put together two of the adorable
“brooms”, stuffed with the goodies I had
purchased earlier. Of course, I
included the handout about being “Boo-ed”.
I hope the next two gals at work enjoy being
Boo-ed as much as I did.
Thanks for stopping by. Hope you have a Boo-tiful day!